Bending pressure: 160 tons Bending Length: 3100mm Width between side frames: 2550mm Bending Sp/Rapid approch Sp: 10mm/sec / 100mm/sec Bed to Floor/Apron under Floor: 960mm / N/A Max Stroke of Beam: 200mm CNC Control (make & model): Cybelec DNC 880s 4 axis with crowning Upstroking or Downstroking(?): Downstroking Total Power HP/KW: 20HP.
Fanuc 0i-TF Plus Control C-axis BMT Turret, Belt Driven, Max Milling Speed 6000rpm AICC (40 Blocks) Right Disposal swarf conveyor and cart Manual Tailstock with programmable quill High Pressure Coolant Grundfos SPK4-8 Parts Catcher (head mounted, abo...